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Affordable College Towns Where You Can Eat More Than Ramen

leightrail / Getty Images

For many people, college is an important step to a future with financial stability. But getting a degree is expensive. Tuition costs in the U.S. are already high (especially when compared to other developed countries). Then, students have to figure out where to get the money necessary for housing, food, transportation and other costs-of-living expenses. 

If your parents aren’t millionaires who can pay for you to live comfortably for four years, consider these 10 affordable college towns. They’ve been ranked by how inexpensive they are, of course, but also on how young their population is and whether they have interesting things to do year-round.

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10. Kalamazoo, Michigan

Downtown Kalamazoo Michigan
DenisTangneyJr / Getty Images

Population: 76,106

Affordability score: 5.82

Final score: 8.44

Home to Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo received an impressively high affordability score of 5.82. If it landed at No. 10, it’s because the small city had a lower fun and opportunity score. You can visit the Kalamazoo Valley Museum or stroll through the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail, but it’s not enough to keep you entertained for four years. Rely on campus activities instead.

Touring campus? Stay at Staybridge Suites Kalamazoo  

*Rankings, population and scores are based on BrokeScholar’s “Best Cities for Students on a Budget” 2022 report.

9. Ann Arbor, Michigan

Law Quadrangle university of Michigan Ann Arbor
pawel.gaul / Getty Images

Population: 121,093

Affordability score: 2.99

Final score: 8.47

Ann Arbor has the opposite issue as Kalamazoo. The city has lots of fun attractions, including museums, fairs and sports games. It doesn’t shine as much in affordability, though. If you’d rather spend a little more money but have more fun, this is a good place to be. A lot of the city’s activities revolve around the University of Michigan, so you’re guaranteed a young, creative crowd even if you go to another college in town.

Touring campus? Stay at Bell Tower Hotel  

8. Normal, Illinois

Town of Normal, Illinois
Willjay / Wikimedia Commons

Population: 54,699

Affordability score: 4.81

Final score: 8.51

Disregard’s this town’s strange name and focus on it being home to Illinois State University. If you like big, busy cities, this isn’t the place for you. But if you want a normal (get it?) college experience in a safe and quiet place, consider coming here. 

Touring campus? Stay at Hyatt Place Bloomington/Normal  

7. Gainesville, Florida

The University of Florida
BSPollard / Getty Images

Population: 133,611

Affordability score: 3.99

Final score: 8.52

Life in Gainsville revolves completely (OK, maybe not completely, but about 90 percent) around the University of Florida. This prestigious institution gifts the city museums, an urban forest and rowdy students — whether the last one is a gift is up for debate, but young people seem to appreciate it. Plus, those living here have easy access to Florida’s numerous pristine springs.

Touring campus? Stay at AC Hotel by Marriott Gainesville Downtown