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14 Body Language Tricks to Appear More Confident at Work

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Let’s face the truth, shall we? Your work and talent are just a part of why you might get far in your career. The other factors? Your personality and confidence.

How you connect with others and value yourself are huge components to advancing in your career. You can be the most talented person in the world, but if you’re  showing that you don’t believe in yourself, well, no one will believe in you either. So, how does one exude confidence and show talent without boasting about themselves every minute of every day? Through body language.

Body language is a universal method of human connection that everyone usually speaks.  You’re communicating your thoughts and emotions by how you look, sit, stand, and smile.

These little nuances can tell a story more loudly than your words ever could and can make or break your career whether you’re looking for a job, trying to get a new client, or getting a new promotion.

So if you’re feeling that you’re having trouble in this department and you want to exude more confidence at work, scroll below to see all our tips on how to do just that.

Keep Your Head Up


Whether you’re at a meeting with your boss or you’re working at your desk, you need to keep your head up to show that you’re confident in what you’re saying and doing.

No one will understand you or take you seriously if you’re not making eye contact or if you’re looking down at your paper or screen when you’re speaking.


Keep your chin up, head high, and your boss and coworkers will value the things you’re doing and saying just a little bit more.

Use Open Gestures When You Speak


While you don’t want to wave your hands around while you’re trying to get your point across, you do want to show small amounts of gestures when you’re communicating at work to show that you’re confident and know exactly what you’re talking about.

You essentially want your movements to mirror what you’re saying so your audience will follow.


What you don’t want to do is play with your hair or tug at your clothes. Do that, and they’ll think you’re nervous.

Make Eye Contact


One of the best nonverbal connections you can make with someone is by giving them eye contact.

Making eye contact with a coworker or boss expresses that you’re assertive — whether you’re doing the talking or just listening.


If you’re talking to multiple people at once, make sure to hold your gaze for two or three seconds with someone before you make eye contact with someone else.

Stand Up Straight


Unless you have chronic back pain, you want to try to stand as straight as possible to show dominance.

It sounds a little animalistic, but standing up straight gives the message that you’re engaged and you feel confident with who you are.


Also, keep this up while you sit at your desk. If not, you may be perceived as lazy and incompetent if you’re not careful.