Tweets About Quitting a Job That Will Make You Feel Seen
The daily grind isn’t always easy. Though you can be grateful for the income, any job can get old or frustrating. Even if you generally like your job, you’ve probably had days where you consider quitting.
Of course, quitting isn’t easy. A ton of emotions and small internal battles can rage when you consider actually quitting. Sometimes you win the battles and decide to make big changes, and sometimes you stay right where you are by ignoring them. It happens to everyone — as these tweets will show.
People can hesitate, they can question, they can ignore their instinct — and they can go for it. There’s no real right or wrong, or judgment either way. But it’s helpful to know you’re not alone when it comes to the range of thoughts you may have about your job. If you’ve ever had a job that you wanted to quit, you can very likely identify with one of these tweets.
So enjoy these collected thoughts that will remind you that you’re not alone when it comes to considering quitting.
The Daily Quitting Routine
Some people think about quitting so often, it becomes a part of their morning routine...before they complete the routine by actually getting to work.
No Follow Through
It’s one thing to think you’re going to quit. It’s another when you tell yourself you’re going to quit. But it’s another when you constantly tell yourself you’re going to quit, and you never do. It can make you wonder when you’re actually going to (if ever) do it.
Mental Quitting
Sometimes visualizing what you want can help you achieve it. And sometimes it’s just a way to let off some steam while you’re stuck working a frustrating job.
When You Don’t Have the One Thing You Need
It may seem hyperbolic to consider quitting just because you don’t have one item. But when you want to quit anyway, not having the one tool that helps you get through the day is a very serious issue.
Sweet Coworker Support
It’s nice to have just a little hint of salty mixed in with all that sweet.
Professional Animal Social Media Manager
The internet has changed the game when it comes to finding work. So it’s not totally ridiculous to decide that you want to make your dog famous, especially when it has such a cute little face.
Quit in Style
The day you quit is going to be a memorable day in your life. So why not give it all the pizazz it deserves and treat yourself.
The Question of the Hour
If only there were a way to not do work but still make lots of money...
Outsource the Quitting
If you can’t bring yourself to quit, you can always have someone do it for you. Assuming, of course, you have a friend or loved one who is willing to do your dirty work.
Ambitious Post-Quitting Plans
I have no issues with this plan.
Happy to the Moon and Back
Adding a dance move to your official quitting announcement is likely something you, your boss, or your entire office will soon forget.
Threatening Bagels
Usually, something innocent like a little snack from a coworker would be welcome. But when it seems the coworker might get a little too much pleasure out of cutting bagels this’s reasonable to consider quitting.
Compelling Reasons to Stay
If you don’t love what you do every day but you love who you do it with, it can make you want to stay.
Sleep Deprived Quitting
There are days when you’re so tired, it’s not even worth taking a personal or vacation day. You want to throw in the towel on your job just to get some shut eye.
Back-Up Plan
Even though being a multi-millionaire after quitting your job would be nice, it’s certainly not a guarantee.
When You Outsource the Decision
When you really want to quit, it doesn’t take all that much to persuade you to do so.
Getting Called Out
Of course, you’ve got to be careful if you imply that you’re willing to quit if you get enough peer persuasion. Because if the peers persuade you to do so, you’ll look pretty silly if you don’t follow through.
Paying Bills
At the end of the day, a lot of the things you’d love to do with your time aren’t exactly financially sound.
Just $1
Alas, if only people could be paid for vocalizing their deepest desires.
It Doesn’t Take Much
When you really want to quit your job, even the smallest excuse to do it feels validated.
Dog Preference
It’s hard to say goodbye to those doe-eyes every day. Especially when they have their own Twitter account that tells you their innermost thoughts, which include wishing you’d spend the day hanging out with them.
Do It With Confidence
The decision to quit becomes easier when you know you can move onto bigger and better things.
Reveling in Following Through
For some people, the moments after making the big decision to move on are followed by pure happiness.
Second Guessing
Even when you think you made the right decision, actually quitting your job can cause a number of generally confusing emotions.
Moving On Quickly
Plenty of people have positive job-quitting experiences that will inspire you, if you’re considering it, to finally take the leap.
Text Quit
Face-to-face interaction is going out of style anyway. Why not show your boss that you’re totally modern and quit in a modern way?
Can’t Handle It
Despite what you may say about being able to handle the complications of the job, you can’t always fake it ‘til you make it. Your body may rebel and – very embarrassingly – show that you’re lying.
Forgetting Something
When you’re used to getting up and heading somewhere, it can be unnerving to get up and not have anywhere to go. You may spend the day wondering where you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to be doing.
Highly Recommended
If, after a decade and a half, this guy can make this big decision with no regrets, surely any of us can.
When Only Emojis Can Express Your Quitting Rage
If it’s bad enough that you have to resort to asking Twitter for advice and using emojis to express yourself properly, it’s probably pretty reasonable to consider quitting.
Nobody Asked (But You’ll Say Anyway)
Some jobs are so soul-sucking that even if nobody asks, you feel the need to shout your frustration to everyone.
When You’re Legitimately Grossed Out
Sometimes, there are legitimate yucky reasons you consider getting out of your current job.
Pursuing a Magical Life Beyond Work
Anyone can play video games all day instead of working. But not everyone can become a powerful wizard when doing so.
Listen to the Signs
When you ask the universe for signs, it may give them to you. And they’re not always subtle.
You Look Too Good
Let’s be honest: Some good hair days and great outfit choices weren’t meant to be hidden inside cubicle walls. They’re meant to be shown off to the rest of the world as you strut down the street and figure out what you’re going to do with your life.
A Moody Choice
If this mood doesn’t pass quickly, it could mean some major life changes.
You’re Ready but Have to Hide It
There are times when it takes all your energy to hide your true emotions and frustrations when you want to quit your job. In those times, just do your best (and wear a hoodie you’re willing to cry into).