Actor Will Smith, left, and Chris Gardner, right, before the German premiere of the film “The Pursuit of Happyness” in Berlin in 2007. The film was inspired by Gardner’s rags-to-riches life story. Franka Bruns / AP Photo
Most people don’t get the chance to meet Will Smith, let alone have him portray your life story in a major Hollywood movie. But most people aren’t Chris Gardner. And the fact that the movie star portrayed him is one of the least interesting things about the impressive man.
Growing up in a troubled environment, he was admittedly a less-than-perfect citizen. Violence and abuse were rampant in his formative years. Despite some hiccups, he became a master at retaining a positive attitude.
Much of his career struggles are shown in his book, “The Pursuit of Happyness,” and the subsequent movie, including his homelessness and perseverance in the face of incredible hardships.
Now, years after rising to the top as a stockbroker, founding Gardner Rich & Company, he travels across the world motivating people and sharing how his positivity continues to help him be successful in life.