Bono,and U2 guitarist The Edge perform during the “Vertigo Tour” at the Azteca stadium in Mexico City, Mexico, in 2006. Eduardo Verdugo / AP Photo
Bono counting off “Uno, dos, tres, catorce!” kicks off this hugely successful tour’s title song, “Vertigo.” Want more numbers? The tour sold some 4.6-million tickets across five continents. During Vertigo’s Latin American leg, more than 700 hours of footage were shot for the concert film “U2 3D.”
Throughout the endeavor, the band played 60 different songs, including rare tracks from their 1980 debut album “Boy.” And for concertgoers who arrived early, the tour featured 17 different opening acts, including The Killers, Kanye West and Arcade Fire, who at the time were arguably a hotter band than U2.