The photos for this house suck, but the story doesn’t.
This 3,585-square-foot Mediterranean-style house in the Piedmont Pines neighborhood of Oakland was located at 6024 Ascot Drive and rented by Owsley “Bear” Stanley, the Grateful Dead’s acid supplier/maker, soundman and financier. Owsley made enough money dealing LSD that he could pay for the band’s rent, food and clothes when they lived in Los Angeles.
“Owsley had a lot of beliefs that were questionable, but in his mind, they were unquestionable truths,” Kruetzmann writes in his book, “Deal: My Three Decades of Drumming, Dreams, and Drugs with the Grateful Dead.”
“He told us he could talk to electronics, mentally talk to them, like people talk to plants. He talked to electronics and chemical compounds. And for all I could ever tell, they actually listened.”