The number of bins rolled out every day will depend on the location, each of which has its own process. In Los Angeles’ Goodwill Outlet Store, for example, workers are required to roll out 400 bins a day, seven days a week. At any given time, there are about 60 bins on the floor, so there’s always merchandise coming and going.
For this reason, you’ll find that if you go enough, you’ll not only see the same faces, but you’ll also find that some people spend several hours in the store, as most patrons are resellers who do business online. Many of them know each other, compare hauls and trade items in the store.
If there is a flea market in the area within the same week, you’ll see more people stocking up on goods to sell for the upcoming weekend. Some resellers may stick strictly to the book bins, while others may be mainly vintage clothing buyers.