Population: 120,641
Area feel: Urban-suburban mix
Median household income: $63,956
Median home value: $298,400 (45 percent own)
Median rent: $1,213 (55 percent rent)
What locals say: “The traffic and cost of living in Ann Arbor are atrocious, but the colleges, quality school districts, eateries, entertainment and proximity of everything helps to dull the pain of the cost. My family and I enjoy the variety of food and entertainment and the diversity of the people in this location, so if you can afford it or find a place nearby in Ypsilanti, then I’m sure you’ll grow to love it.” — Current resident
Grades: A+ (nightlife, commute, public schools, good for families), A (diversity, health and fitness), B+ (jobs), B (housing), B- (crime and safety), C+ (cost of living), C (weather)