Most Expensive Books in the World
Craig Donofrio
Humans have been telling stories for thousands of years, and the most expensive books, combined, are worth more than $300 million.
Best Children’s Books of All Time
Claire Gillespie
Starting a kid’s library or looking to add to your collection? These titles should give you some inspiration.
Top 50 Richest Authors of All Time
Heather Larson
These writers have created some of the most popular books ever published and made a lot of money.
Worst Movie Adaptations of Books in History
Tony Adame
Turning a great book into a great movie isn't always a sure bet.
55 Funniest ‘Dune’ Memes You Can Find on the Internet
Mariana Zapata
No version of "Dune" has been left untouched by these memes.
Most Expensive Bibles and Religious Books
Michelle Nati
Bibles and other religious books and manuscripts were some of the first books in history, which makes them quite valuable.