The daily grind isn’t always easy. Though you can be grateful for the income, any job can get old or frustrating. Even if you generally like your job, you’ve probably had days where you consider quitting.
Of course, quitting isn’t easy. A ton of emotions and small internal battles can rage when you consider actually quitting. Sometimes you win the battles and decide to make big changes, and sometimes you stay right where you are by ignoring them. It happens to everyone — as these tweets will show.
People can hesitate, they can question, they can ignore their instinct — and they can go for it. There’s no real right or wrong, or judgment either way. But it’s helpful to know you’re not alone when it comes to the range of thoughts you may have about your job. If you’ve ever had a job that you wanted to quit, you can very likely identify with one of these tweets.
So enjoy these collected thoughts that will remind you that you’re not alone when it comes to considering quitting.